“Somedays (Expanded Edition)” is a updated album of 15 tracks, featuring outtakes, alternate versions and edits, remixes, and a new piano track, “Forsee”, 8 tracks taken from “Somedays” (July 2023) plus 5 new tracks. It’s my chill album, a relaxing ambiance to cope as stress relief. It features the IDM ambient sound, along with hints of deep house, piano melodies, and ambient techno. Features the viral FB stories hit, “Only Some Days”. Pre-order now. All tracks on bandcamp and beatport, are high-resolution WAV 24bit/48K downloads.

Ordre CD, merch and more: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/lexictask/somedays-expanded-edition

Order on bandcamp: https://lexictask.bandcamp.com/album/somedays-expanded-edition

Click on image to order the Somedays bundle, which includes a comfy sweatshirt + CD of Somedays “Expanded Edition” today. Click here.